At last the at-rest-inertia is overcome

The politicized acquittal of Donald J Trump by the US Senate has outraged me so much that I started this blog tonight to make my opinions known to more than the small circle of acquaintances that have listened to me rant in the past.

The cowardice of the Republican majority in the Senate (excepting Mitt Romney) is the end of the beginning of the end of our Republic.

The entire outrage of the election of Trump and the acceptance of his disastrous administration, by 45% of the population, was the beginning of the beginning of the end and this acquittal has made the decline and fall of our Republic almost certain.

There are not words enough to express my contempt for the Republican majority in the Senate.

Join me at the polls in November and turn these scoundrels out of office. The fate of the Republic is in our hands.
